Christianity is an encounter with the Person of Christ - Pope Benedict XVI
I teach disciples how to remove thought obstacles so that they can live an abundant life of Grace from Jesus Christ

Catch Me In Action
About Joe

Joe Bland has been active in ministry for over twenty years. Fifteen of those years were at the parish and high school level where he was a youth minister, pastoral associate, and Theology teacher. Five have been in ministry for the Diocese of Owensboro as Director of Marriage and Family Life and as Director of the Office of Evangelization. Through his ministry work Joe has experience in speaking, leading retreats and workshops to youth and adults across the country.
Joe holds a master degree in Theology from St. Meinrad School of Theology in St Meinrad, IN and has completed post graduate work at the Theology of the Body Institute. He has also completed course work at the John Paul II Healing Center and Encounter School of Ministry.
However, he says his greatest accomplishment is his marriage of over 35 years to his wife Cathy. Joe and Cathy live in Whitesville, KY where they are members of St. Mary of the Woods Catholic Church. They have three adult children; Chelsea, Seth and Hannah.
Joe has a passion and desire to bring the beautiful, saving and healing message of Jesus Christ to the whole world through his preaching, teaching, coaching and prayer ministry work. His area of expertise is speaking in the areas of Evangelization, Discipleship, Healing, Catholic Sexuality and Marriage and Family Life.

Meet Joe Bland, a Certified Catholic Mindset Coach and transformational speaker. Joe is passionate about helping people make positive changes in their lives and uncover their true potential. He offers a unique approach to coaching and speaking that focuses on empowering individuals to take ownership of their thought and emotional lives and create meaningful, lasting change.
Through his keynotes, parish missions, workshops, and retreats Joe has helped countless people break through their self-sabotaging habits and develop mindset skills needed to start living their best lives. Joe helps you to cooperate with the Holy Spirit, to look at your thoughts and show you the obstacles that are in your way to living your abundant life.
His mission is to provide the guidance and support needed to make that a reality. With Joe's help, you can learn to make lasting changes in any area of your life and become the person God created you to be!

The Pillars of Thriving

Pillars 1 & 2 Encounter and Identity
Talk #1 Encountering the Love of the Father – Lighting the Divine Dynamite
We heard all our lives that God loves us but how many of us have encountered that love. We all know deep down that we are called to spread the Good News, evangelize but fear often gripes us. In this talk Joe helps you to have that encounter and recognize those moments when you have had that encounter.
You will discover/re-discover that lost and stolen identity that was given to you by God, that Divine Dynamite within you. You will be given the tools to take back the power that you gave to the enemy over your life and come to know your overall mission in the Kingdom.
You will walk away with ongoing tips and tools to start to live the abundant life that Jesus speaks about in John 10:10.

Pillars 3 & 4 Healing and Restoration
Talk #2 Healing and Restoring the Wounded Heart
In the Gospel of Luke 4:18-19 Jesus quotes the Prophet Isaiah. To sum it up Jesus comes to save, heal, and deliver. The Greek word for saved in this case is Sozo which can be translated, to save, to heal or to deliver. Jesus did not become man so to give His church copping mechanisms to get through life. Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit in order to bring healing to our wounded hearts, souls and bodies, not once we get to Heaven but here and now.
This talk will explore the area and reasons in our lives that we are wounded and in need of healing. We will show the participant how to transform and renew the mind through the thoughts and stories that go through our minds daily (See Romans 12:2).
We will look at healing in scripture and the early Church and look at ways that we can bring healing and restoration to our daily lives and the lives of those around us. We will also equip the participants to pray for healing for one another.

Pillars 5 & 6 Equipping and Sending
Talk #3 Equipping the Saints for Mission
In the Gospel of Matthew Jesus tells the disciples to GO, make disciples of all nations. In John’s Gospel 14:12, Jesus says that those who believe will do the works that he has done and do greater works than him. Do we take Jesus at his word? Do we believe that we can do what he did? Do we believe that we can make disciples of others, much less all nations?
We can’t if we don’t know how to use the tools and gifts we have been given. We can once we have a renewed mind.
This talk will address the graces given to us at Baptism and Confirmation along with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit as well as the Charismatic Gifts found in St Paul’s letters in the New Testament. This will be accompanied by teachings from the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The participant will walk away with the knowledge of the spiritual gifts that are poured out to the believer to lead a virtuous life and carry out the mission to further the Kingdom of God.

“Joe Bland has a deep relationship with Jesus Christ, trust in the movement of the Holy Spirit, and love of the Catholic Church. This is evident in every opportunity where he speaks about the Catholic faith. His transmission of the Gospel message is authentic and born out of a daily lived experience.
He also has a spiritual charism of prayer accompaniment and a willingness to walk with others.”
Charlie Hardesty
Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Diocese of Owensbor
Joe spoke at our Living Hope Retreat in January of 2020. Little did we know how much we needed to hear his life giving words of relying on Christ in ALL situations. Joe has a plethora of knowledge and a gift for teaching. He is compassionate and is willing to work with a large group or to stop for "just the one"
Kim Kendall
Evangelization Leader
St. Mary Catholic Church Huntingburg, IN
Joe has an amazing ability to take complicated ideas and make them attainable for the average person. He makes you feel comfortable and at ease with something that may seem foreign to Catholics. The results of the prayers and coaching are life changing. By allowing the Holy Spirit to work through him, Joe has worked wonders with our staff leading to so much growth and healing.
Ben Warrell
Gasper River Catholic Youth Camp and Retreat Center
I greatly value Joe Bland’s passion for the faith and willingness to share his gifts, especially when it comes to ministering to married couples. Joe’s presentation style gets great feedback because couples find him relatable. I’ve seen him take his knowledge and training in areas of theology and Evangelization and boil concepts down into a solid talk that is concise, well-planned, and well delivered.
He knows his stuff, he presents with confidence, and he knows how to read a room and meet people where they’re at so that what he is saying really hits home.
Danny May
Director of Marriage & Family Life for the Diocese of Owensboro, KY
Joe is a coach and speaker that loves with the heart of the Father. He sees you as that little child of God and understands how difficult experiences in life can divert God’s plan for you and cause bondage and pain. His genuine love of sharing Christ’s healing and freedom with all he encounters is a tremendous gift
Monica Bosco-
Catholic Mindset Coach
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